Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
Due to repetitive usage of the hand, wrist, forearm, and elbow, medial epicondylitis (also known as golfer’s elbow or thrower’s elbow) develops when the tendons on the inside of the forearm become irritated, inflamed, and painful. People who do repetitive motions, such as swinging a golf club or tennis racket, or hobbies that require grasping, twisting, or throwing, are more likely to be diagnosed with it. The disease can be caused by anything, including using a computer or doing yard labour. Men over the age of 35 are the most likely to develop it. A physiotherapist can assist relieve the pain produced by medial epicondylitis and enhance the motion, strength, and function of the affected elbow.
What is Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow)?
Repetitive usage of the hand, wrist, and forearm causes medial epicondylitis, a disorder in which the tendons on the inside of the forearm become irritated, inflamed, and painful. A tendon is a piece of soft tissue that connects the muscle to the bone. The muscles that flex (bend) the wrist, fingers, and thumb, as well as pronate (rotate palm-down) the wrist and forearm, are damaged by medial epicondylitis. The muscle group forms a shared sheath that connects to the humerus bone in the upper arm. The medial epicondyle is a bony protrusion that runs down the inside of the elbow. The medial epicondyle, or the place where the tendon joins to the bone, causes pain. Repetitive forces can make the tendon irritable and painful, and if left untreated, it can even tear away from the bone. Furthermore, because the muscle groups traverse both the elbow and the wrist, they serve to support the elbow while enabling wrist movement. Because it is a two-joint tendon, it is more prone to injury.
Signs and Symptoms
Medial epicondylitis patients may have the following symptoms:
- Wrist, hand, or elbow movements cause pain on the inside of the forearm.
- With gripping or squeezing actions, pain or numbness and tingling extends from the inside of the elbow down into the hand and fingers.
- Swelling and tenderness down the inside of the forearm.
- When attempting to grip objects, the hand and forearm become weak.
- Stiffness in the elbows.
Your physiotherapist will do an assessment and ask you questions about your pain and other symptoms. Your physiotherapist may do wrist, forearm, and elbow strength and motion tests, as well as inquire about your job responsibilities and interests, assess your posture, and look for muscle imbalances and weakness anywhere along the journey from your shoulder blade to your hand. Your physiotherapist will gently massage particular parts of your elbow to discover which tendons or tendon(s) are inflamed. To ensure a proper diagnosis, special muscle tests such as bending the wrist or twisting the forearm with resistance may be done.
Can this Injury or Condition be Prevented?
Understanding the risk of injury and being conscious of your daily activities can help prevent medial epicondylitis from developing. Individuals should take the following steps:
- When completing repetitive labour tasks or sports actions, such as golf strokes, maintain good form and technique.
- Muscle strength in the shoulder, forearm, and wrist should be maintained.
- Stretch your forearm muscles gently before and after each task.
- To avoid joint strain, lift large objects with good posture and body mechanics.
Shockwave Therapy for Tennis Elbow in Twyford
Shockwave therapy is effective treatment for Golfer’s elbow recommended by NICE. Learn more at our shockwave page here.
How a Physiotherapist at Physiocare Twyford can help?
Because tendons do not have an adequate blood supply, it is critical to seek proper treatment for medial epicondylitis as soon as possible. If left untreated, an irritated tendon might rip, resulting in a more serious ailment.
When you’ve been diagnosed with medial epicondylitis, you’ll work with your physiotherapist to create a treatment plan that’s tailored to your unique condition and goals. The following items may be included in your individualised treatment plan:
Pain Management:
To allow the inflamed tendon to recover, your physiotherapist will help you detect and avoid unpleasant motions. Pain can be managed with ice, ice massage, or moist heat. Iontophoresis (medication administered through an electrically charged patch) and ultrasound may be used as therapeutic methods. Splinting or bracing may also be recommended. In extreme situations, resting the elbow and refraining from performing job or sports activities that continue to cause pain may be necessary, slowing the rehabilitation process.
Manual Therapy:
To assist the muscles restore complete movement, your physiotherapist may employ manual treatments such as moderate joint movements, soft-tissue massage, and elbow, forearm, and wrist stretches. Your therapist may also perform manual stretching and treatments on your shoulder and thoracic spine, as muscle imbalances all the way up the chain can damage the tendons along the medial elbow.
Range-of-Motion Exercises:
To assist your elbow and wrist retain normal movement, you’ll learn mobility exercises and self-stretches.
Strengthening Exercises:
As your discomfort lessens, your physiotherapist will assess which strengthening activities are appropriate for you based on your individual situation. To test your weaker muscles, you can use weights, medicine balls, resistance bands, and other sorts of resistance training. Long after your official physical therapy is finished, you will be given a home-exercise routine to help you maintain your arm, forearm, elbow, and hand strength.
Patient Education:
Education is a crucial component in recovery. Your physiotherapist may recommend changes to the way you execute particular duties, as well as ways to enhance your form and lessen the risk of injury. Adjustments to your golf swing, throwing technique, or work tasks can all assist to relieve pressure on the forearm tendons.
Functional Training:
Your physiotherapist will assist you in returning to your prior level of function when your symptoms improve. Modifications in certain movement patterns will be part of functional training, reducing stress on the medial tendons. As previously stated in patient education, you and your physiotherapist will determine your goals and work together to safely return you to your previous levels of performance as quickly as possible.
Injection Therapy For Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
How Do I Book Cortisone/Steriod Injection For Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)?
To book for a steroid injection you can call our normal reception line, 0118 934 4055 or email direct to physio@physiocare.co.uk requesting an appointment for an injection. Please include your name, date of birth, your address and GP contact details. You will be sent a form to complete and forward back to us or bring along on the day which gives information about the injection.
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